We’re headed to Hacklebarney TU , Thursday!

Just when I thought the show season was over, it’s time to pack up and head to my old stomping grounds at NJ’s Hacklebarney  Trout Unlimited meeting. This Thursday night, we’ll be there talking about fishing The Big Gunpowder Falls and telling all sorts of lies.  I hope you can make it if you’re in the area. I’m really looking forward to it!

I owe a big thanks to everyone who came out to Lefty’s Tie Fest last weekend and especially to everyone who came to hear my talk at the show. I couldn’t have asked for a better reception! It was great to see so many kids at Tie Fest. While it makes me feel old, I’m excited to see what the future holds for the world of fly tying. If you’ve got kids who are interested in tying, it’s a must attend event to put on the list for next year.

Hey, it’s still cold but the stoneflies are coming. we’ve got some new stuff in the works so keep checking in!

Keep your tip on the water,




The Big Show is Here!

The Fly Fishing Show is coming to Somerset, NJ January 24th, 25th and 26th. It’s the biggest thing in fly fishing and you need to go!

Not only will you have a chance to see the latest in fly fishing gear, you’ll get to sit in on free seminars and lectures by fly fishing’s greatest minds. Oh and don’t forget, rows and rows of the worlds best fly tiers showing you how it’s done and telling some of the biggest “fish stories” if you’re willing to listen. If you need a new rod, this is the place to cast them (go see our friend’s at Mystic) and if you need tying materials, this is the place to find it all (maybe you need a new vise from Peak?).

We’ll be there (maybe just me) and I can’t wait to see you all and hear how your season’s wrapped up and your plans for 2014. Be sure and stop by to say Hello.  If you’ve never been,  you should score a hotel room nearby and load up a car full of fishing buddies to make the trip with you. You won’t regret it; depending on your carpool buddies.

See you at The Show!


The Ants Come Marching


It’s always cooler on the river!


It’s been a while since the last Knee Deep update. The fishing has turned around in the last couple weeks. I never thought I’d see a summer where I wished for less rain. Now that the usual southern heat has set in the fishing is a bit more consistent.  Caddis, ants, and beetles are on the menu now and will be until the weather cools down again.

We’ve had a great few weeks on the water fishing large Elk Hair Caddis. They are a great fly for covering a lot of water and make a great point fly for a dropper rig. Even fishing a big foam ant, a 6x dropper with a caddis larva has proven to be a wining combo.  My ant seemed to receive 25% more takes than my fishing companion’s beetle on Sunday but I thing that could change depending on conditions.

Over on the Potomac the smallmouth fishing has been great. The rain has tapered off and just outside town there is good wading to be found when the Point Of Rocks gauge is below 5,000cfs. Olive and white Clouser Minnows are a good start and poppers fished over openings in the weeds and boulders will bring the exciting surface hits. Speaking of Clousers, check out his FB page for a shot of his new floating minnow. What’s not to love?

Get out there and get your line wet. It’s a great time to break out the swim trunks and get out after work. These long days won’t last forever. If you’re not sure where to start, give Knee  Deep a call and we’ll get you into the fish!


We’re Just Waiting On A Friend


He’s still there. What are you waiting for?


Have you signed up for the Knee Deep Fly Fishing newsletter? If you’re not on the list then you never knew about all the deals we’ve had going. There’s a sweet one going for the month of July and we don’t want you to miss out! Click HERE to sign up and never miss out on a good reason to go make some new fishy friends. While you’re at it, LIKE us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. There’s no better way to keep up with Knee Deep Fly Fishing’s regretful social media updates. It’s fun. Trust us!


Speaking of making new friends. This fish has been hiding behind the same rock for weeks now. We want YOU to be the one to hook ‘em!  The water is COLD up on the Big Gunpowder falls and we’ve got lots of bugs and sunshine. So what if you’re back from your beach vacation and you’re back in the office. Don’t let the summer fun stop now.  Trout not your thing? Give us a call and we can put you on some great smallmouths and have you home for dinner…if you’ve got any energy left to lift a fork.  The Potomac River has been fishing great in the mornings and there’s nothing like watching your rod bend while checking out the Bald Eagles flying overhead!




Let’s go fishing!




A First Trout & A Fishing Report


There’s nothing like that first trout on a fly!

I had the pleasure of guiding two wonderful young ladies last week and introducing them to fly fishing for the first time. It was a great day on the water and the perfect picnic weather. I had to post a few pictures and say “Thank You” to the Sitar Art’s Center for connecting us. For those of you who don’t know about “sitar”, it’s a wonderful organization that’s putting art and music in the hands of DC’s kids. I can’t think of a tool that’s more powerful than creativity to help propel them into the future. Check them out and think about getting involved. It’s a remarkable place filled with some great folks.


Not a bad day for a steamside lunch!

With Spring dragging its feet and the air temps making wild swings, the Hendricksons have been slow to show themselves and hot/cold depending on the day. Fortunately there are still a few stoneflies buzzing around the Big Gunpowder Falls to keep anglers out of trouble. Grey comparaduns (think #12 & 14) have been working on rising fish feeding on emerges. A pocket full of midges can save an evening. Last night was no exception to that rule. Finally, there have been a few sulfurs popping out of the water here and there.  Get you snow-shoe patterns and your Frog’s Fanny ready!

Not sure about where to start on The Big Gunpowder? Give Knee Deep Fly Fishing a call (or e-mail) and we’ll help outfit you and get you started right.

We’ll see you on the water!


Everybody must get stones….


We’ve waited long enough!

It’s about time!



The early black stoneflies are the first real chance we get to fish dry flies in Maryland. Trout are looking up and skittering stones across the surface of the water is a great way to cover a lot of water and catch fish!


We’re booking up for April but still have a couple days left on the calendar for the month. If you’ve not had success in the spring on Maryland’s streams in the early spring, give Knee Deep Fly Fishing a call and let us guide you. We’ll help you make the most of your time on the water.




It rained, it snowed, we fished

This morning I thought I’d be over dressed for fishing. I started my day south of the Big Gunpowder in 50+ weather and ended at 34 degrees with rain and snow flakes. I know we just have to hang in there for a couple more weeks and we’ll be fishing in t-shirts. – Micah

Thank You!

For us here at Knee Deep (it’s a group effort) the show and expo circuit is wrapping up and, while sitting in a pile of boxes, plastic tubs, and extension cords, it’s nice to know that the air is warming up outside. Traveling to the shows and meeting so many anglers has been rewarding. It’s especially refreshing to meet new anglers and see their enthusiasm. Nothing makes you want to hit the water like hearing someone talk about their first trout on the fly. For those who really get the fly fishing bug, that feeling is the same for every fish caught after that first one.  

For me the winter is a time to see old friends from near and far. As a kid, it was when family would come to town and we’d fish tiny streams for brook trout up in NJ. Nowadays, it’s a reminder of all the great fishermen (and women!) that I’ve been lucky enough to have fished with in the last 25 years and who’ve shaped who I’ve become. One pal I tied next to at the shows has known me since I was a 10 year old kid riding my bike to the river with a fly rod in hand.  Some of the guys who let me tag along on trips to NY state all those years ago came to see me in in NJ and there is no way to describe how fantastic that feels. They’re still letting me tag along on their fishing adventures all these years later. It’s all been a reminder that the fly fishing family is very large but has a great spirit and will continue on for many years down the road.

Last but not least, during this season’s show circuit I’ve met so many supportive spouses along the way. Some of us have wives who may or may not fish but are supportive enough to set us free from the house every once in a while to share angling with others. Maybe it’s easier to let us run than listen to grumble while painting the house or working on the car. I don’t know how they live with us sometimes. I know I couldn’t have done it without my wife and I’m sure there are many other fishermen out there who feel the same way. Thanks Dear!

Thank you to everyone who attended the shows and stopped by to say “Hello” this winter. Knee Deep Fly Fishing wouldn’t be here without you.

Keep your tip on the water!



Lefty’s Tie Fest This Weekend!

Tie Fest Is almost here! Saturday is THE day to go get your tying fix with some of fly fishing’s most addicted tiers. There will be people tying, telling big fish tales, and shops showing off their gear. I’ll be there tying and telling some of the hardest to believe stories. IT’s going to be a fun day and I hear the facility will have a great restaurant with tasty grub AND a bar. What more could you ask for?

Get yourself there!

Micah & The Knee Deep Team

Hooks Up!

For anglers, this is the time of the winter when cabin fever starts to take hold. Maybe it’s when we’re in the car in the mornings and we notice we now need sunglasses again rather than headlights. For the hardcore trout bums, perhaps they notice the dog is waiting for them to get up and get moving. Whatever it is, we know spring is coming. We just have to hold on!

If you didn’t make it to Somerset, NJ for The Fly Fishing Show, you’ve got another chance to get your fix. The crew is on their way to Lancaster, PA for the weekend of March 2nd/3rd. I’ll be there tying and telling even bigger fish stories (it’s been a long winter) and hope to see some of you there.

The next weekend, March 9th, is Lefty Kreh’s “Tie Fest” closer to home in Grasonville, MD with the gang from CCA Maryland. This one is going to be pretty cool. It’s the region’s best tiers and guides getting together to share what’s coming out the jaws of their vises. There’s even a bar so you can buy them a beer and try to get them to let go of a few secrets. I’ll be tying there too so be sure and stop in for an hour or two just to say hello.

Looking forward to these two events should help to ease the pain of winter. Last year the stoneflies were climbing out of the water by the second week of March so there’s an end in sight!

Tight lines,
